Introduction to ISO/TC 68
for the Ukrainian financial community.
First of a four-part series of webinars
on ISO/TC 68 Financial Services
ISO/TC 68 Financial Services
In this webinar, the Chair of International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 68 (ISO/TC 68) and other TC 68 leaders provide an overview of TC 68, including its subcommittees, processes, and direction.
The speakers in this webinar include:
Jim Northey
Chair, ISO/TC 68 Financial Services
ISO/TC 68, representing Accredited Standards Committee X9 (ASC X9) and FIX Trading Community
Karla McKenna
Convener, ISO/TC 68/AG 2 Standards Advisory Group
Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)
Gerard Hartsink
Convener, ISO/TC 68/AG 5 Digital Currencies
NEN (The Royal Standardization Institute) and Payments Association Netherlands
Yuri Vlasenko
Executive Director of UkrSWIFT
Ukrainian SWIFT User Group Chairman